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Weekly Results - Scores & Extra Statistics
Enter the scores for each game and press the Tab key to move to the next part of the spreadsheet. If you have used spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel or Open Office Calc you will be familiar with how to enter data into this spreadsheet. For cells that require a number simply type the number and press the TAB key to move to the next cell. If the cell contains a drop down combo box, you can either press on the space bar or click on the arrow to the right of the list to drop it down. Find and highlight the value you want in the list and either click on it or press enter to select it. If the cell contains a check box then either press on the space bar or click on the box to put a check mark in the box or clear it. Pressing the TAB key will move data entry to the next editable box to the right. Holding down the SHIFT key and pressing the TAB key will reverse this movement. Pressing the ENTER key will move data entry to the next row down in the spreadsheet. Some cells in the spreadsheet simply display information for you (such as average and handicap) and are not editable. The check boxes for incomplete results are not editable unless you have put a check mark for Incompletes on the top left of the form.

The is a check box to the right of each score in the column labeled "I" for incompletes. This is used to indicate whether all sets (frames in bowling) were completed for that game. These check boxes can only be edited if you have put a check mark next to Incompletes on the top left of the form above the team name.

If the Player Type is an Absent player or a Vacancy, the scores will be automatically filled in for you and you will not be able to change them without changing the Player Type. When you finish entering the scores for all the players on a team, you will see the count of teams with scores entered in the upper left hand corner go up.

If you set up extra statistics then extra columns will appear in the spreadsheet so you can enter each extra statistic for each player. Each statistic must be between 0 and 63.