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Extra Statistics - Adding
To add a new extra statistic click on the Add button. A dialog box will appear and ask you for a description of the statistic. The description can be anything but it is limited to 20 characters. Examples of descriptions you might use would be "Strikes", "Spares", or "Weekly Fees". After you enter the description and click on OK another dialog box will appear and ask you for a 5 character abbreviation for the description. Examples of abbreviations would be "STRIK", "SPARE", or "FEES". After you click on OK you will now find the new statistic listed in the drop down combo box at the top left of the  form. If you selected "FEES" as the abbreviation, you will now see a new text box on the screen where you can enter the dollar amount of the weekly fee. Enter the dollar amount in this box such as 9.75 for a weekly fee of $9.75. The Treasurer report on the Reports menu will only be active if you have entered a FEES extra stat and a non-zero dollar amount.