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Sport Information - Sport & Terms Tab
You will use this tab to define the terms used in your sport. These terms will be used by the program to create screens and reports that make sense for your sport. On this form you will see two columns of text, a combo box with the sport names, and three buttons. The first column of text has terms used for 10 pin bowling. The second column of text has terms used for the terms used for the sport selected using the combo box.

Click on the down arrow to the right of the combo box to see all the sports already defined. If your sport is there, click on it to bring up the terms for your sport. If your sport is not listed, click on the Add button. This will add a new sport titled "New 10 Pin Bowling". You will now modify this new sport to match the requirements for your sport.

When you have finished editing all the terms for your sport you will either want to proceed to the next tab or click on the "OK" or "Cancel" buttons. If you click on the "OK" button, any changes you made will now be available for use in the program. If you click on the "Cancel" button, any changes you made will not be saved.